At Home Virtual Circus Program


Life is an impressive balancing act for parents at any time, and as social distancing continues, the return to school offers yet another piece to juggle. Let us provide a physical and social outlet for your pod, bubble or group of friends in the form of an virtual at-home circus program! Yes, like the circus! Our program provides the physical and social benefits not available right now to so many children. 

The semester-long experience covers a range of circus arts including juggling, clowning, magic, stretching, exercising, theatre games, and tricks with household props.  Circus is a great vehicle for keeping young minds engaged while providing active fun. Beyond that, these skills improve hand eye coordination and balance, while promoting self esteem and healthy relationships with fitness. 

We have curricula that mark both for age and size of the group. Contact us and hear how we can help your kids run away to the circus! Or rather, run home to the circus!

The Coaches

Ayal and Claire, have a collective experience longer than either of them have been alive! Circus has brought them all around the world including Asia, Africa, Europe, and all around the United States. They have worked with major circuses such as the Big Apple Circus and have together taught thousands of individuals a range of circus skills. They have dedication their careers and passions to arts education and love sharing the joy of circus with as many people as possible.